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Technical SEO: The backbone of your website

We all know that on-page SEO and off-page SEO helps in getting recognized in the search engine. But have you considered technical SEO as a part of your website which directly or indirectly affect your website’s SEO?

What is technical SEO?

Technical SEO deals with the technical aspects of your website, where the server and the website are optimized. Elements of technical include crawling, indexing, website architecture, and so on. This will get your website optimized and help it grow organically.

Let’s further break down what Technical SEO actually is?

Let’s say you have a really good blog written about a mouth-watering recipe. Your on-page SEO and off-page SEO game are strong, the content is amazing, you have spent hours taking pictures and coming up with the perfect blog, and finally schedule it to go on at 1 pm.

When it’s finally 1 pm you upload it and wait for the amazing comments from your followers.

But, you see that your post isn’t doing well. The technical SEO is messed up and your site isn’t loading properly.


Let’s look at a few elements of technical SEO that will help your website become strong from an SEO point of view.



The first element in technical SEO is the hypertext markup language is the backbone of any website. This includes headings, paragraphs, external links, images, and all the content that is visible on your website. It is important for SEO, as it deals with all the page changes happening on your website. Google searches for the relevant content you have provided in your website for the search, this plays a huge role in ranking your website on top of the search engine.


Cascading style sheets are used to make your website look pretty with fonts, colors, backgrounds, etc. Having an external CSS file and a content-heavy website instead of code-heavy will make your website run faster instead of having the search engines crawling unnecessary lines of code for each execution.


While HTML has all the content, CSS makes your site pretty, javascript makes your website dynamic. Your website is made more interactive with the user. The best example for a business website is Ads that can be played on their website along with the original content.

Breadcrumb navigation

Coming to technical SEO in the URL using keywords in the URL was very popular in the past and works to an extent even now, but it’s time to try breadcrumb navigation. It’s the category name used for a webpage. This allows Google to navigate to your site easily.

Structured data

A well-structured data is easier to be found by the search engine. This helps you get on the rich snippets, boost ranking, higher CTR, and more conversions.

Thin content

When your website has no value but only content that will be called thin content. The search engine considers this as low-quality web pages, this will affect your site reach very much. To improve this thin content you will need high-value content which is not duplicate or repetitive, try and solve a problem that surrounds your business this will definitely increase reach.

Duplicate content

If the same content appears on different web addresses then that is known as duplicate content, this makes it difficult for the search engine to decide the relevant content for the search. The best way to deal with duplicate content is to provide a 301 redirect from the duplicate page to the original page with the original content.


Imagine a spider crawling on the wall looking for an insect then finds it, collects it, and stores it in its web. This is the exact same process that happens in crawling. The crawlers find and collect the data and store it in a database called Caffeine. This data is retrieved when there is a search engine result matching the data collected.


When the crawler crawls to your webpage it grabs it or rather calls it, index it. Indexing is the process of adding web pages to the search engine. Some factors that affect indexing are:

  • Backlinks
  • Internal linking
  • XML sitemap
  • Duplicate content
  • Meta tags

Canonical tag

Using canonical tags will help your website to get easily detected from duplicate or identical website URLs. Even a slightly different URL will be found unique by the crawlers. So canonicalizing your complete webpage will reduce the redirects from your page.

404 error

Let’s talk about errors. The 404 error is shown to the user when the page is not loading properly or does not exist. This does not look good on a website. This will lead the crawlers to crawl on a webpage that probably does not exist instead of a webpage with valuable content. So, fixing a 404 error must be of top priority.


Technical SEO may sound like a lot and be overwhelming at the moment, but once you get to know how each aspect of your website can be technically optimized you will get much better results than you have ever got. The search engine will send Its crawlers to your website and index it faster than ever.

Is your website technically optimized for SEO ranking?

Not yet. Then let’s connect with SeoRachana for techincal seo optimization. Click here to reach out to us.